Lief was a forester, first he cut down trees, then worked in the environmental field to protect them. Walberg was Director of Health Services, then worked in politics. There is a big election on Monday and it looks like the current Labor government will lose to the Conservatives, which means increased privatization, decreased services, and more income inequality. Norwegians are doing very well (due to their oil reserves), and there is only about 2% unemployment, which perhaps explains why people are trending conservative although the present government is well liked. There are also a lot of issues around immigration. It was good to have like-minded friends to discuss all this.

The costume from Telemark, where Lief is from. On May 17, a national holiday, everyone wears their county costume. Walberg said that in Telemark nobody even looks twice at it, although in other places people are impressed.

A detail of the costume embroidery, which was made by a friend. To buy one costs thousands of dollars so now some of the costumes are made in China.
After breakfast we cleaned up our abode (a down side of renting an airbnb place is that you develop a relationship with the apartment owner so don't want to leave any mess) and headed out a couple hours early to the ferry terminal because we had to go about a kilometer from the tram stop. Another gorgeous and warm day in Oslo. A beautiful day for a walk along the harbor.

Packing up to leave.

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