Thursday, September 5, 2013

Narvik near the North Pole? - by Dale

We found out we could use our rail pass to go up to the northern tip of Sweden and into Norway so off we went in our cozy sleeper car for the 22 hour trip. We met a very nice fellow, Alf, on the train who had been concerned that we were to share the same sleeper. "We don't do that in Sweden". It was all sorted out soon and we enjoyed visiting with him as he was doing the same thing, taking a look around Narvik because be could after retiring this week. He is well traveled and would be a great train ambassador with his personality, knowledge and interest in trains. 

We learned much about the role Narvik played in WW II and how it was destroyed and hastily rebuilt. The sheltered fiord remains ice free and the area has much better growing conditions than you would expect being 140 miles inside the arctic circle. 

We are now riding back down to Stockholm to get tickets on to Oslo. Maybe we will say "hej hej" to president Obama while passing through?

Distances from Narvik to other places

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