Friday, September 13, 2013

Communication and the Lack of it at Times - by Dale

We have been on this adventure for 18 days already which hardly seems possible. When we started it we were writing in journals, keeping up with emails, sending occasional tweets and I was writing blog posts regularly. As we got further along and deeper into the trip we began finding less time and ability to keep up with all of those means of communication.

For the most part we had very good wireless Internet connections in the Scandinavian countries we visited. The time difference made it harder to make real time contacts with family but we were able to do several times. With our iPads Facetime or Skype video chats can be great and give us a feeling of close connections. The tricky part was getting the time right and we had several middle of the night connections. We also managed to use Skype or Google to make Internet calls home or to make reservations while sitting in a cafe around the world.

Laurie burning midnight electricity to keep in touch

Laurie working hard to keep a wireless connection
After we left Oslo on a ferry our Internet was quite limited ether unavailable or costly to use. We got some limited connections in Amsterdam and would have had better but our second hotel had strange network problems they never solved and we could only use it in their small lobby. That didn't let us make reservations or do trip planning very well let alone keep in touch. We are back in that situation with another long ferry trip now. I'm writing this from somewhere out on the North Sea in route for England a little after sunset. It may not get shared with others for a while & meanwhile will be old news from us again.
Laurie working hard on another ferry without Internet support!
Our blog has had problems too with a fussy online (software) editor that made it hard to correct of place photos which kept Laurie from posting. She found an iPad app that allows us to work offline like I am now and will do edits and photo placement when we want including after we publish something here. Now we have a little competition going to see who can keep up with he latest news (I'm winning But don't tell Laurie). That has made a big difference but we are still lagging as this is only one part of keeping up with our travel responsibilities. I am taking photos mainly with my iPhone and posting them as a photo stream linked to this blog. Hopefully that helps give an idea of what we are up to as it is easier than writing at times.

Laurie worn out from all that communicating & blogging
I find after a few weeks of travel that while I want to hear news from home and that all is well but it is nice to get more off the grid and enjoy my surroundings where we are traveling.  Do send news along or post a comment or two when you feel the urge but be patient waiting to hear from us way over here.

\Dale out for now

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