Monday, August 5, 2013

Travel Time Very Soon! - by Dale

Laurie and Dale are getting ready for another travel adventure soon. This one will bring Laurie back to some areas of Europe she visited with her family long ago as well as many new places too. For Dale, it will all be new and the start of a new adventure after retiring from full time work for over 33 years working for the state of California. The theme for this trip is to learn as much as we can about efforts to prepare for climate change, implement renewable energy strategies, learn more of the cultures and histories of these amazing countries and seek out wildlife and natural history too.

We head off to Copenhagen near the end of August and will spend several weeks mostly by train, on foot, and of course bikes in Scandinavia including stops in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands. From there, it's off to the United Kingdom by ferry for another three weeks of exploring including time in Scotland, England, Wales and perhaps Ireland before we head back to the Netherlands and then return home again. Lots of details remain to be worked out along the way while we travel. We do have some firm dates & reservations now and will be adding details here soon.

We will attempt to stay in contact with family and friends via this blog & email with our ipads and use GoogleVoice, Skype, Facetime, instant messages and whatever else may work too. We may try  a shared calendar so that these folks know where we think we are at a given time. Tall order & great adventure planned as we explore these areas of Europe paying particular attention to their efforts to address climate change and provide sustainable living and transport.

To show how little Dale knows about where we are going this photo of perhaps the smallest "park" he knows of is what he is afraid he will find along this trip!

Hopefully, we will find more open space and nature to explore and write about than this rather famous tiny urban park in SF

Wish us safe journeys & plan to join us on this new travel adventure!

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