I was very restless last night thinking of all the things we had to do as we headed out of Copenhagen in the morning bound for Stockholm. I am learning the hard way that I struggle adjusting to new places and the challenges of navigating around in them. It takes me a while to get my bearings and confidence to launch out into new countries, with their language, local customs, fast pace and different ways of getting around. Last night, I imagined all the things that could go wrong as we made our departure using Eurorail for the first time. Laurie helped ground me again with reminders of what we have done before and how things work out after some inevitable bumbling around.
Our actual bus trip to the train station was smooth without a hiccup. Arriving early we were able to move our reservation and catch an early high speed train saving two hours, dropping the need for a transfer and picking up a complimentary breakfast to boot. All that before 9 AM. Good luck like this helps later when surprises and setbacks appear.
Our train ride was impressive covering fascinating forested, farmed, and diverse countryside in southern Sweden at speeds of up to 125 mph. We relaxed and dozed before our 2 hour early arrival. I imagined trolls and vikings behind every tree trunk and stump. The rocky soils, birch and evergreen forests, combined with all the lakes and ponds made me think of northern Canada except for all the Scandinavian structures including some with sod roofs. Looks like great hiking and biking areas too.
It seems that all transit centers and inner cities are torn up under construction as was the case in Stockholm where hordes of people crowded every possible escape route. We made hasty reservations at the travel center following recommendations and some simple directions to the old city with maze like streets including some so tiny you can touch walls on both sides while walking down them. First you have to get there and my lack of sense and direction in new cities and Laurie's skill at circling the general area gave us much exercise and overview of the area before getting to the hotel Rica just as the rains arrived. Pricy and small by our standards this seems a good deal for this area and its central location allowed these two punchy travelers to find great comfort food nearby. Retreating to our room after a short walk we are now relaxing and planning the next few days here and the ones in Norway next up. That will be more complex but I expect we will have our perigrinating skills sharpened and up for the task.
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